Percentage Calculator

Online tool to calculate percentages

Percentage Calculator
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What is % of

What is the percentage increase or decrease from to %

is what % of %

Finding the Percentage

A Percentage Calculator is a tool designed to quickly and accurately calculate the percentage value of a given number or set of numbers. This tool can be used to determine the percentage increase or decrease between two numbers, as well as to calculate the percentage of a total value or a portion of it.

-> Find P percent of X

How to calculate percentage of a number. Use the percentage formula: P% * X = Y
Convert the problem to an equation using the percentage formula: P% * X = Y

-> Calculate Percentage Increase or Decrease

Last year your favorite jeans cost $36 per pair. This year they cost $45 per pair. What is the percentage increase in the price of these jeans from last year to this year?

-> Calculate X if P percent of it is Y.

Convert the problem to an equation using the percentage formula: Y/P% = X

Why you need Percentage Calculator tool?

Percentage calculators are commonly used in finance, accounting, and economics, where it is important to accurately calculate and interpret percentage values.
They are also useful in everyday life for tasks such as calculating sales discounts, tips, and taxes.
Some percentage calculators may also include additional features such as the ability to calculate compound interest or perform currency conversions.

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